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Your Ceremony

Every individual and location is unique and sacred. Each ceremony is customized to the goals of the client. 

Time requirements and contributions vary depending on many factors. We work closely with each situation to create the ideal ceremony. 

Ceremonies are team activities and will require the support of those receiving the blessing along with additional practitioners based on the skills needed for each situations. 

Explore the catalog of images to learn more about each ceremony option. Click each large image for more details. (Tap twice on a mobile device to expand ceremony details.)
Contact us to plan your sacred ceremony. 

Sacred rituals require multiple days of planning and prep. You will be guided through the process by your lead practitioner. They will facilitate the techniques to bring forth a rejuvenated self and space, help move out that which does not serve you to bring in the highest and best good.


Contact us through the contact page to explore all potential ceremonial opportunities.


Ceremonial Prep and Post Work 

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© 2023 by The Sacred Elements 


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